Flies Issue – Oct 2018
Public: Notice regarding Flies. Dear residents and surrounding areas you will be aware that there had been an increase in flies. As before we can confirm that this is from the Glazewing site. The summers of 2016 and 2017 we suffered from this issue and after investigating and intervention from the Environment Agency, who is the appropriate authority for this issue, they discovered that animal feed wasn’t being processed quick enough. Since this time the site no longer processes animal feed waste but the machine that processes other waste had broken down, we now understand, at the beginning of September. The Parish Council after being advised this was to be fixed, has however contacted the Environment Agency to report. They advised that they had already had communications from members of the public who reported it, which was excellent, which meant they have decided to intervene and pay a visit to the site. They have advised that they will issue a newsletter for the public after their visit via the Parish Council. The newsletter will be issued as soon as possible. On Facebook and as before the Wereham Parish Council. The previous newsletter of 2017 is still on the Wereham Parish Council news section. Should there be further updates we will let you know otherwise please share this with the Public.
The Environment Agency have emailed the Wereham Parish Council and advised:
“We are aware of the increase in fly activity at the Glazewing site and have had numerous reports from other residents in the village. My colleagues have been attending site at least once each week to assess the situation and are working with the site to get the offending waste cleared. Where you have fly activity at your property that is causing a nuisance, please report the issue to our incident hotline in the first instance: 0800 80 70 60. Your report is then passed to an available member of my team to be assessed and responded to accordingly. Given the increase in problems and reports again this year, I believe my colleagues will be drafting another update newsletter to send round the village to make residents aware of the situation and what intervention the EA are taking.”
Please now find newsletter attached from the Environment Agency 2018109 Glazewing Newsletter FINAL