Next Meeting
The next Meeting of Wereham Parish Council will take place on Mon 12th May 2025 at 6.30 pm in the Wereham Village Hall, Church Road, Wereham (Small Community Room). The agendas will be published on this website at least three clear days before the meeting date (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays) (and unless more time is required as per regulation). Please continue to review this website for up to date information.
Cllr Jacki Hitching, Vice Chair and Councillor of Wereham Parish Council
The Wereham Parish Council would like to share for those not already aware, that sadly Cllr Jacki Hitching passed away in December as a serving member. She had served on the Council for almost 10 years joining in May 2015. Jacki brought her vast knowledge of the village having lived in Wereham all her life. She will be missed as a voice around the Parish Council table and for those who knew her in that role and outside of that role. The Parish Council is grateful for her time and service to the village and has sent thoughts and condolences to her family at this time.
Dog Fouling in Wereham
Dog owners in Wereham please ensure that you collect your dogs waste when walking anywhere in the village residential or fields. Please if anyone sees someone not picking up waste to report to the Borough Council even with photographic evidence if possible and they will investigate. Any offence from a person found guilty could b fined up to £1000.
More information can be found here – CLICK HERE
Welcome to the official website for Wereham Parish Council.
Wereham is a quiet rural west Norfolk situated 5.5 miles south east of Downham Market. The village has around 331 homes and an electorate of 548 (2021). The village boasts many historical buildings and a pretty village pond looked over by St Margaret’s Church which dates from the 13th Century. Wereham Village Hall is a key community hub and is currently the focus of a major Lottery Funding bid by Wereham Village Hall Management Committee for full replacement. The local pub the George and Dragon offers a friendly space to relax.
Wereham Parish Council is has positions for up of 7 Councillors. Currently most Councillors who live in the Village, have business or land in the Parish of Wereham and volunteer their time to serve their local community. The Parish Council is the third tier of government under the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and Norfolk County Council. The Council meets every other month to discuss and make decisions on items such as (meetings are open to the public and there is a section for the public to speak to the Council at 6.45 pm at each meeting):
- The upkeep of the village pond. Life buoy, telephone box which includes a Community Defibrillator which is managed and owned by the Parish Council.
- Management of the Cemetery, the Row. Grass cutting and maintenance.
- St Margaret’s Church – Closed Churchyard (Health and Safety Only as a Public Open Space since 1933) (Memorials, Wall, Grass and Trees).
- Management and maintenance of the Play Area and Playing Field, and Biodiversity Garden installed by volunteers and 100% funded in 2024.
- Street lighting maintenance (not Crown Gardens – NCC). We pay a contractor to inspect and clean annually, attend when broken and pay for the electricity they use.
- Tree maintenance on Parish Council owned or responsible land (cemetery, churchyard, pond and playing field)
- Dog Waste bins – BCKLWN are paid to empty every other week on a Wednesday. Our grass contractor also cuts around the outside so they are accessible.
We also make comments on all Planning Applications although the decision on these remains with the Borough or County Council.
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If you wish to find out more about Wereham Village Hall take a look at . The Wereham Village Hall Charity Manage the village hall.