British Gas Energy Support Fund
British Gas Energy Support Grant for information…
The Energy Support Fund is open. To be considered for a grant you must meet the following criteria. If you cannot tick all boxes your application will not progress to assessment:
- You are a British Gas credit or pre-payment meter customer living in England, Scotland, or Wales
- You have not received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust within the last 12 months
- You must be seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current or open gas, electricity or dual fuel energy account in your name or be a member of that household, the energy account must relate to your main residence
- Have electric and/or gas debt between £250 – £2,000
- You must be in or facing Fuel Poverty
- You have received help from a money advice or guidance agency
If you meet all the above criteria, you may be eligible for a Trust grant, click here to apply for a grant.
British Gas Energy Trust Fund Application Form | Login or Register (